Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Done with Biochemistry

We just had our last Biochemistry exam, ending the biochemistry section of MS1. Of course, the topics we learned about in this course will keeping coming at us over and over again. Especially the biochemistry behind cancer and cardiovascular disease (obesity-related, atherosclerosis...) will become particular relevant to future physicians especially in the United States. I hope I can retain as much as possible.

This week is still part of "Blacktober," though, so no celebrating yet. At my school, October is a busy month for MS1s. We had our last biochemistry exam yesterday, followed by our anatomy practical on Friday and then our anatomy lecture exam (which should be a killer) the next Monday.
But, especially for me, anatomy is something I want to learn and get down pat, especially if I'm remotely interested in going into surgery.

I am, however, looking forward to post-blacktober celebrations starting Monday... I'm guessing my college will be having a few celebrations. That's one thing I really love about the college system (the University divides the medical school students into "colleges" to ensure a proper social support network). Our study carrels are actually pretty lively, and while other colleges don't really use it, ours does. Some boys even set up a halo gaming system using the big projector screens -- on both sides of the room!! I'll probably write more about the college system later.

For now, must.. study.
Definitely did not pass the mock practical held yesterday. Whoops.

Okayama roll-cake (岡山ロールケーキ)with mochi (キビ団子), peaches (白桃), honey

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