Saturday, May 14, 2011

Deep Asian Flavors (without the calories!)

We all know about the obesity epidemic in the US.
I think it's a huge problem - no doubt. The rising cost of healthcare, the rising death toll... a lot of it because of the poor eating and active habits of this culture. I mean, take say Paula Deen and her cooking which represents southern cooking. Hello! No wonder there's such a huge obese population in the south!

But the thing is, food is a wonderful thing. Really. It draws people, friends and families, together. It nourishes. It energizes. It comforts. And it's beautiful - captivates all of the senses. Seriously - sight, taste, touch, hearing, smell... what is not excited by food and cooking? Walking into a room filled with the aroma of a childhood favorite... hearing the searing or simmering of dinner...

I really think it's the presentation and structure of food consumption that needs to be changed... now, what I exactly mean by that, I'll save for another post.

Right now, I want to talk about my stocks. I think more people really need to try this out. It is so so easy... and the rewards are so great, hardly any consequences!


Chop up some garlic, ginger, onions/scallions - or whatever you have, actually!
Buy some cheap cuts of boned meat (neck... feet... whatever!! cheaper the better!!)
Throw it all in a slow cooker and press "ON"
Leave it alone and go about your day. Don't eeeeven worry about it.

At the end of the day, just dump the content through a sieve and into a tupper ware. This is probably the most time-consuming part, if you consider it time-consuming.
Put the stock in the fridge overnight.
The next day, you'll see that the fat has risen to the top and solidified.
Just get rid of that fat!! Low-fat, No fat! Immediate lift of guilt and calories! Plus - all of the delicious flavors are in the gelatinous bottom layer, full of collagen and flavor.
Now, whenever you're cooking a soup or sautee or stirfry, just boil down that stock and i am telling you - you will get extremely meaty and deep flavors. Like you got the dish at a street market in a small Asian town. But this time, you KNOW that animal fat - which is often the most problematic part about animal meat - has been removed.

Please, try my stock method. You will be amazed.

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